…Since the Premier League began
0The fourth in an occasional series picking apart sporting terms that either make no sense at all, or are just plain misleading
…Since the Premier League began
This term is an emerging trend in coverage of the Barclays Premier League, and is an extraordinary piece of historical revisionism when it comes to covering football in England. Led by SKY TV UK it tries to create the illusion that football in England prior to 1992 never happened, and by extension makes the claim they invented the competition.
Take this shot for example. Ignoring the fact they got the number of titles won by Arsenal wrong, what on earth is the point of this table?
The financial structure and, of course, TV rights changed in 1992, but very little else. The change was nothing compared to the various restructures of Super Rugby competitions during that time for example.
There are even books on the subject, and countless websites devoted to stats that have a strange and irrelevant artificial cut-off point.
The thing about English football is that it does have history; probably more history than any other domestic competition on the planet.
This is not the IPL. So much of the attraction of the competition is around the history of the competition, the multi-generational rivalries, and the history of the clubs.
Real fans get this; that is why Manchester United fans celebrated so much when their club got that 19th title to pass Liverpool on the list of all-time winners.
But this shift in reporting threatens to take away that rich history. Thankfully it won’t work
Also in this series. 110% Maximum and D