Asking a favour of Nemani Nadolo
After all I’ve done to contribute to tis lovely city of christchurch to be called a UN FIT CHUBBY NIGGA is disappointing. #hurtful.
— Nemani Nadolo (@nemani_nadolo) August 3, 2014
Dear Nemani Nadolo. Can we ask a favour please
First of all, on behalf of New Zealand, many apologies for the abuse you received last night. Racist and disgusting, it is sickening that there is still that underbelly here.
While you have said you have moved on, and that is admirable, can we please ask as a country that you lay a criminal charge regarding this. You probably don’t know the creature who racially abused you, but there is every chance that the bar owners will, and you will find you will have enormous public support in pressing charges. It is not about the potential $7,000 fine, it is about making a stand.
For years European football had a much larger and uglier racist element to it. Only recently have authorities started doing something about it; outing offenders, imposing life bans on spectators, and going after players, that things are surpisingly quickly being tidied up.
Going through a trial like that would be a pain in the posterior, and the offender does not deserve the attention, but please think of the wider picture here. Racism in any form is wrong, and a blight on any civilised society. When it is used as a weapon against a successful professional athlete it seems even more sinister.
This person, while in a minority, is not unique; some of those strange comments on the Stuff article today proved that. Put it out in public, shame the guy, and send a message to everyone that we will stamp down on such behaviour
We’re with you.