Sporting Pictures of the week :- 7 November
1This feature is a long-time admirer of Borussia Dortmund and, in particular, their fans. With the current rise in a particularly unpleasant side of Germany, they nail it. Respect.
Ah, the French. Novak Djokovic won a tournament in Paris this week and they gave him … Jesus’s nettles? As a prize.
The distinction between sport and entertainment in T20 has always been a bit blurred. Here is Australia captain Aaron Finch almost getting torched on Guy Fawkes Night in Adelaide.
Also on cricket in Australia. Some Australian captains; past and present, get together for a photo promo op at Sydney harbour. One thing though; how many World Cups are there?
Speaking of awkward photos, here are the All Blacks modelling their new Blacker than ever All Blacks kit. Who knew that there were shades of black? And relax guys.
But it’s been a busy week for promoted and sponsored awkwardness. An allegedly rugby mad Chicago cop taking a selfie with a horse and Kieran Read downtown.
Time to laugh at Liverpool fans, because it’s just a little bit easy.
From the Premier League Managers in their playing days… Yup; that’s Louis Van Gaal.
Changing the ‘ All Black ‘ jersey to dark grey is ridiculous… so to fit in with all this promotional rubbish are they going to rename our mob the All Greys ??????