The Day of the Duck. In pictures
1The first day of the second cricket test in Wellington. A day memorable for the dogged appearane of a Paradise Duck. Here is the day presented to you in pictures.
The first sighting of the Paradise Duck
Not all of the cricket matched the advertising in the background
You can always tell the best Corporate Boxes. They’re the ones on top of the public toilets.
The last time the Barmy Army was in town this guy called himself Jimmy Saville. He’s changed the branding now for some reason and is simply known as Vic. He’s still got it though.
And here he is; master of all he surveys
Welcoming our new Argentine friend
But wait. LOOK WHO’S BACK. And on the other side of the pitch now
Thanks to Pete for the pictures.
Footnote. Bit of drama towared the end Bully Boy Brendan found a couple of kids, aged 8, celebrating their finding of $100 at the back of the banke. He demanded, and retrieved his cut of $50. Hope he sleeps well tonight