RWC Quiz: (And the winner is…)
0By The Spotter
Firstly, Friday’s answer: Zinzan Brooke- who, incidentally also has the middle name ‘Valentine’- he was born on Feb 14th.
This comp between the two trivia gladiators Scott and Mark could go on forever. So even though a lucky draw is about as satisfying as a countback at a World Cup, it’s the only way in this case. (and that eventuality was stated in the rules at the start- good god, where has that been heard before).
I seconded my wife to draw either name from a Blues Rugby cap (cough), and the name that she took out was: Scott Hunt. Well done. I never did succeed in getting one past your defences.
Scott, being Australia based, has kindly handed over the voucher to Mark while retaining bragging rights.
Many thanks to all who had a go. Hopefully I’ll be able to arrange something similar in the not too distant!
Prize was courtesy of:
{ED} Scott is based in Australia so vouchers may not apply. He’s still the winner but he might shift the prize to Mark from Dunedin who will no doubt buy him a Speighs in years to come