Sporting pictures of the Week :- 11 March
0Well played Josh Hazelwood for signing that (would claim he didn’t know what it was about). Steve Smith declined.
It was a tough fortnight for the NZ fast bowlers, but at least a former mate had fun hanging out with questionable company.
Cricket trophy photoshoots are becoming more popular by the year. This seems a strange one though.
Industrial fire stops play in Southampton.
Riders pass the ‘Rocher de la Baume’ rock formation in Sisteron, France.
The annual celebration of International Women’s day with a dress up dip at Firth of Forth, Scotland.
Boston Bruins player Morgan Geekie is dumped into the Edmonton net.
From the archives. Mihael Atherton on how to play a bouncer.
RIP Masats Franco; renowned photographer during Franco’s rule.