Sporting pictures of the week :- 18 September
0Pacmen? Space Invaders? Some lawnmower challenge? No, it’s the good people of New York getting the court ready for the US Open man’s tennis final.
Before that, this is what missing out on a Grand Slam looks like. Right; let’s find a Press Conference.
The following day Italy’s Pennetta won her one and last tennis Grand Slam.
England’s David Willey appealing. The best appeals are done while lying on the pitch.
It’s OK Jose, you can come out now.
Last year, Angel Di María signed a five-year deal with Manchester United for a transfer fee of £59.7 million, the highest fee ever paid by a British club. He inherited the number 7 shirt at the side, which was previously worn by club legends such as George Best, Bryan Robson, Eric Cantona, David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo. A year later he was gone; meaning those who had fallen for the hype needed to get creative with their replica shirts.
Meanwhile, everything you need to know about Cristiano Ronaldo in one selfie.
This segment has run photos over the last couple of week about how European football clubs have made pro refugee statements. While visually impressive, this shot is a bit chilling. It translates as “All together United for Turkey”
In a week dominated by people using the haka to make all sorts of points, one was performed in Covent Garden. The accompanying Press Release referred to the participants as … Mastercard Ambassadors. Enough said.

MasterCard Rugby World Cup 2015 ambassador Jonah Lomu, accompanied by Londoners and the Ngāti Rānana London Māori Club performed a Priceless haka in Covent Garden, London.