The Biggest Clowns in Town
0The biggest clowns of all in this part of the world are you, The NZ Herald, for speculating (and whether it were tongue-in cheek or not you still chose to print the supposition) that our Black Ferns Women’s Rugby Union team could possibly beat the male Wallabies in a competitive match.
Against every last bit of considered logic, what on earth possessed your newspaper to ever commit such a ridiculous notion to print? If your (unattributed) reporter, for even just a few seconds, had stopped to consider the weight, power and speed ratio of male to female in a combative sport such as Rugby Union, they would surely not have bothered to even mention what they did.
You may think this an overly-sensitive reaction, but when you consistently sully by association, the reputation of great sports journos like Dylan Cleaver, Andrew Alderson and Michael Burgess, you deserve all the brickbats we can send in your direction- as it is not only this, but plenty of other dross you have served up on sport in recent history. And it’s especially prevalent when your news and editorial staff stray into the sports sphere and print garbage on people like Warren Gatland.
Most of all though, you are clowns in this instance for your absolute naivety (and even if it were a complete joke- and that is quite probably even more infantile), in suggesting that the Wallabies could even lose that match-up to our women. If such a match were to take place, the final score would end up looking like some kind of cricket declaration. So why even bother saying such a dumb thing in the first place?
Here’s an idea: The next time you think about speculating on such utter and complete nonsense, think of past legends like TP McLean and DJ Cameron spinning around in their graves at about a thousand revs per second if they had an inkling of the tripe you’ve been feeding to us.
Was it some kind of misguided attempt at levity? If so, it failed. Conclusively.