The Piece of Work
0Well, well. So someone with real pedigree in boxing who was right there at ringside and not making a judgment on the outcome like us great unwashed viewing from afar on the tube, dared question the decision to award Joesph Parker victory over Andy Ruiz and is now labelled as an ‘idiot’ and told to ‘use the key of irrelevance to open the door to a hole to crawl back into’. I am of course referring to a certain individual’s ugly retort to Lance Revill for Revill having the temerity (ha) to cast doubt on Saturday night’s result.
How were those replacement judges appointed again, and why wasn’t that covered in the NZ media?
There is only one idiot as far as I can see, and it sure ain’t Lance Revill. And did I mention this individual is a bully of the worst order also?
Guess we shouldn’t be in the least surprised though- the guy always defaults to that pattern when anyone dares present what most rational people would consider as perfectly normal questions. I’ve heard the insults and bullying tactics against the likes of Devlin and others on Radio Sport over the past few years. The man sure can be one nasty, embittered piece of work. Really, has there ever been anyone in the sporting spotlight of this country that is so thin-skinned and outrightly hostile towards anyone who doesn’t work at cheerleading for their organisation?
Perhaps that was the correct call from the judges on Saturday night, but come on Dean Lonergan. Be a proper man and hold the vitriol next time. There’s something even worse than a sore loser. It’s called an ugly winner. (Paul)