The Sevens in pictures
0Another year; another Hertz Wellington Sevens. You don’t really get the true feel of it by watching on TV, so here’s a brief photo essay of all the relevant action.
There’s something unnerving about 44 (that’s how many of them there were) sperm walking straight at you. Hard to explain why.
Wellington legend was there too; enjoying a well-earned drink.
But not everyone was happy; the sultry album cover look.
The green men meant business though; even if Kermit didn’t seem that fussed about it all. And in the background, the Dominatrix prepares her entry.
This reggae guy wanted money for this shot. Seriously, he did. But of more interest is the Playboy bunny girls pimp in the background. Sometimes it’s hard to know how much is deliberate.
This is a bit classier; but that’s a pretty flattering interpretation of Bianca Castafiore. Nothing like big hairy men in a frock. Nothing like big hairy men dressed as a pig.
Those green guys are popular; aren’t they?
And, finally, who says there’s no romance at the Sevens?