The Warriors on the Couch
0By The Spotter
Amid all the gut wrenching and teeth gnashing of anyone connected to the Warriors, one thing above all seems to stand out. That being that the players are approaching their task to an essentially working-class game like a bunch of stand off-ish English aristocrats.
This came most glaringly of course against Melbourne. In that performance there was little or no desperation to strive, but worst of all (and more than likely the catalyst for making so many outsiders react with genuine anger), was a lack of any fearlessness, of having your mate’s back.
And really unfortunately for the team, that capitulation (Cappy-pitulation? Sorry..) just happened to play out on ANZAC Day, that day of all days to salute unstinting bravery and sacrifice. It is doubtful whether the borax would be being poked quite so violently if that clash had fallen on an ordinary day.
There just has to be something insidiously wrong with the attitude of some in that side. We keep hearing the key players saying “It’s down to us, don’t blame the coach”. If we are to take them at their word, the only logical conclusion to draw then is that there must be one or two ‘rotten eggs’ who exude enough of an influence over some of the others; enough to distract them from being the players they could be, certainly.
To be honest though, that is all just a bit of conjecture and hearsay from myself trying to make sense of what went on at AAMI Park. What are we to conclude though if the team turn around and, let’s say, win their next seven from ten? Highly unlikely I know given this week. However, I don’t know about you, but I’m giving them a second chance, because the week before they were rather good against the Bulldogs. Think about when you have really stuffed up in life. What good would it have done if all and sundry had put the boot in to you?
Something else to consider is, are we living in a false dawn with this team? Are they just plainly not good enough to get anywhere near the title, even when they are more on form? Things might appear slightly more in perspective if that were so.
Ex- Balmain Tigers great Wayne Pearce has just had a hill on Leichardt Oval named in his honour. He was among the most fearless players to ever don a professional Rugby League jumper. Perhaps some down at Mt Smart might think about how they can begin emulating players of his ilk if they are to regain the respect of the sporting populace at large. I hope they at least try